School Nursing Service

Young Greenwich School Nursing Service

The school nursing service (previously known as Greenwich School Nursing) is delivered by Oxleas NHS Trust. Dedicated community nurses and health advisors with the necessary skills and experience support children and young people aged 5-19 at schools (primary and secondary) and youth hubs across the borough. 

The team is on hand every week day (except bank holidays) 9am-4pm to give confidential information, advice, and support on a wide range of health and wellbeing issues including sexual, emotional, and physical health. 

Our nurses and health advisors are experienced, approachable, know the schools and area well, and support everyone in strict confidence. 

What do we offer?

Specific topics offered by the School Nursing Service include: 

  • Emotional health & wellbeing 

  • Behaviour management 

  • Sexual health & contraception 

  • Healthy lifestyles & weight, including healthy eating, weight management referrals, and fussy eating 

  • Building Healthy Relationships including issues with grooming, child sexual exploitation (CSE), keeping safe online and bullying 

  • Puberty, self-identity & personal hygiene, including periods, body changes and shape   

  • Sleeping difficulties 

  • Day & night wetting, rushing to toilet and constipation  

  • Smoking, alcohol, and substance Misuse 

The School Nursing team will also give advice on: 

  • School readiness 

  • Transition into reception, secondary school & higher education 

  • Medical needs & care planning including allergies, asthma, and epilepsy etc. 

  • The available parenting support [hyperlink to Parents section] with partnering agencies 

The team also includes school health screeners for school age young people.

How do I access School Nursing?

  • Refer a Young Person from our School Nursing Services Page (Contact us for more information on how to access this)

  • To contact a duty nurse call 0208 317 6319 or via emailing  

  • Contact us (INSERT LINK!) to find out more from a Young Greenwich staff member