
Support for parents/carers in the Royal Borough of Greenwich


As well as lots of dedicated services and activities to support young people across Greenwich, Young Greenwich also offers specific support for parents who live, work or study in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Our services empower and equip parents with the tools to effectively navigate the changing relationships with their children and improve their wellbeing in the process.

Support for parents of teenagers

 We provide a non-judgemental space for parents to connect, share and grow together. Our approach is unique because it’s less focused on your ‘parenting style’, and more on YOU as an individual; what you need, what drives you, and what can support you to be a happier person and parent.

What we offer

  • Counselling & 1:1 coaching sessions to help you with specific issues or challenges you might be facing as a parent. 

  • Family mentoring - working with a dedicated member of the team, we support the whole family to improve communication and relationships. 

  • Drop-in group sessions - weekly drop-in sessions for parents, where you can ask for advice, share your experiences, and get support from other parents. 

  • Parenting support programme - a 9-week programme designed to help parents improve the relationships within their families and learn more about how to practice self-care. 

 Our services are for you if you are: 

  • Worrying about your teenager and how your relationship will change as they grow up.

  • Concerned about the transition between primary and secondary.

  • Treading on eggshells and finding it increasingly difficult to communicate with your teenager.

  • Feeling frustrated that they don't listen to you.

  • Feeling like your teen is becoming distant from you and you're longing for connection again.

  • Find it difficult to make time to rest and recharge.

  • Wondering what you can do to support your teen through the changes and challenges they face as they grow up.

  • Feeling frazzled, exhausted, and like you're on a hamster wheel.

  • Experiencing low self-esteem and a sense of isolation around your parenting.

  • Find it difficult to be consistent around your boundaries.

  • Not already receiving support from other agencies such as Early Help, Social Services, CHMHS, etc.

 We can help you:

  • Feel clear about how to manage your relationship as your teen grows, no matter what happens.

  • Feel more relaxed at home and in control of the atmosphere.

  • Develop the skills to communicate more effectively so your teens want to share their worries and concerns with you. 

  • Spend more time with your teen and feel like they enjoy your company.

  • Prioritise rest and find ways to be less stressed.

  • Feel confident and equipped with the tools to support your teen through their challenges as they grow.

  • Feel calmer and more positive about yourself.

  • Be consistent 

Visit here to contact us or to make a referral


 Support for parents of primary school children 

Parenting Drop-ins 

Parent drop-ins in every hub are run by the Health Advisors to support parents with child health issues such as bed-wetting, behavior, sleep, and healthy lifestyles. Invitation to the parent group sessions for specific targeted interventions are offered and referral to other health services such as Paediatrician, audiology, speech and language, child&adolescent mental health, and continence team, can be completed with parental consent.

Open to all families of school-aged children across Greenwich. Health Advisors will work with parents of children aged 5-11 years (Primary School ages) and support referral to the Parenting Support Programme for those parents of Secondary school-age children

Visit here to find out when our drop-ins are running