
Music Video Workshop

The Music video workshops are a great practical introduction to creative camera techniques and experimental editing. With the support of industry experts, young people are given the practical experience of being a music video maker.

You will analyse a selection of music videos, looking at the different techniques used. Then you will choose a track that you would like to use. If the video is being used internally then you can use a commercial song, but if it should be shared widely then we will bring a selection of royalty-free tracks.

Next you will be introduced to the various cameras that will be on offer. This will include timelapse, gimbal, 360 and different lenses, and discuss the different kinds of image that can be achieved with them. ​ ​Following a fun and playful shoot, working to a guide track, participants will cut their film together in the afternoon. At the end of the day we will share the videos.


Music Video Workshop

10:00am – 16:00pm
Valley Central Youth Club, The Valley, Floyd Road, SE7 8BL